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Newsletter: Perspectives on Power Platform

Company: Niiranen Advisory Oy

Tag 2020 Release Wave 1

First impressions on Power Platform 2020 Release Wave 1

On Jan 27th Microsoft published their plans for the upcoming 2020 Release Wave 1. We have a lot to digest once again, so here are my top picks from the Power Platform side of Microsoft Business Applications. If you don't have time to read through 100+ pages, then maybe you should start checking out these features and work your way through the rest.

Get ready for licensing enforcement in Dynamics 365

The tricky part about ensuring your solution design is aligned with the planned set of licenses that the system users will be assign is that there is often no way to technically validate this. Many aspects of the MS Business Appliciations licensing model nuances have been implemented only on paper. Things are about to change, as we'll see a specific access rights enforcement around the App Module concept.