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Newsletter: Perspectives on Power Platform

Company: Niiranen Advisory Oy

Category Licensing

Licensing of Microsoft’s Power Platform and Dynamics 365 products.

Why Power Platform licensing is complex, part 2: multiplexing

The low-code tools are making it easier than ever to have data flowing between different systems and presented in a custom UI that may bypass the original enterprise applications altogether. However, this does not free you from the requirement of having a license for these systems. Welcome to the world of multiplexing.

Price points of Power Platform (2022 pricing and licenses)

Microsoft doesn't provide a single page from where to look up the prices for each of the license types for various products included under the Power Platform umbrella. Since this information is spread out and offered in various different formats, I decided to create a landing page with the core price info as well as links to documentation that's been the source of this pricing information.