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Newsletter: Perspectives on Power Platform

Company: Niiranen Advisory Oy

Welcome to!

We have moved! The Surviving CRM blog has a new domain, a new host server and even a slightly modified blog theme. Previously hosted at my personal domain’s subfolder, the blog can now be found simply by typing in the URL The page loading times should also be visibly better now, thanks to a more powerful hosting environment for my WordPress installation.

Back in 2008 when I launched this blog, it was mainly just a notebook for my random thoughts around Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Created as a side project on my little web hotel subscription for trying out all the cool new PHP apps out there (before the cloud era had really started), it was never intended to be a very robust setup but rather just something quick, dirty and cheap. As years passed by, more and more blog content was posted, Dynamics CRM as a product kept on growing and so did the traffic to this site. It’s been a great honor to have such a large number of readers come and visit my blog, but at times I’ve felt like I haven’t been able to deliver the optimal user experience for content consumption in terms of website performance. Hopefully this new hosting service provider can better meet these grown expectations.

At the same time when I migrated the bits to a new location, I also decided to do a bit of a UI refresh for the blog. I realized I had been using the same WP theme for almost five years already, which is an eternity when it comes to websites. I didn’t have the time to perform any major update project and my own web designer skills are nonexistent, but luckily the Streamline Pro theme from Studiopress suited my needs quite nicely. I’ll need to spend some time studying all the cool things that the Genesis framework allows you to do with WordPress, but for now the important thing is to have an easy to read layout and design for my CRM blog posts.


If you do discover any broken links or features that are not working with the new blog theme and URL, please do let me know in the comments. Oh, and if you have any bookmarks or RSS feed URL’s pointing to the old domain, don’t forget to update them to the new domain.


  1. Jukka:

    Thanks for all your great posts and contribution to the community! Just above here, under Related Posts, pictures 1, 3, and 5 aren’t showing up. Bad link?

    Hope that helps,

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