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Notes rollup, multiple Timelines per form, customizable actions, modal dialogs for detail forms - there's so many settings to optimize with this control in 2022 Release Wave 2.
In the default form components arrangement for tables in model-driven Power Apps or Dynamics 365 CE apps, the Timeline is usually front and center. This makes perfecet sense. Scenarios that revolve around accounts and contacts typically include the need to show activities and notes related to these records.
Compared to how things used to be just a few years ago, meaning mostly hard coded, we now have an amazing amount of configuration options for the Timeline control. This is reflected in the MS Learn article “set up the Timeline control” which has an estimated reading time of 32 minutes! And that’s just the “how” part of official documentation, not the “why” that you’ll learn as the settings are applied in real world business application context.
This blog post is my attempt to highlight the recent, most useful features that the modern Timeline form component enables for improving the user experience of your model-driven apps.
The one huge feature that 2022 Release Wave 2 has delivered for model-driven Power Apps has been buried deep into the release plan. It seems almost like an intentional “let’s hope no one notices this” move since the feature is listed under Dynamics 365 Customer Service and called “Improve agent productivity with timeline enhancements”:
“Notes that work like other activities and roll up on contact, account, and opportunity form timelines.“
Woohoo! We’ve been waiting for this feature close to 2 decades already! If you haven’t experienced the Dynamics CRM era, then the significance of the rollup capability in the platform may not be immediately obvious. I won’t go deep into it now, instead I’ll dig up an illustration that I created 11 years ago for a blog post I wrote about the native activities associated views vs. form subgrids:
Unlike other standard or custom tables in Dataverse, activities have one superpower: they can be shown not just from the directly related child records but also rolled up from deeper in the hierarchy across many different record types (tables, entities, you pick the terminology). This means that in the account Timeline you’re able to see tasks, phone calls, emails, appointments that are set regarding a child record, like an opportunity where that account is the potential customer.
While the same form component has been used to display both activities and notes (and activity feed posts, in case someone’s still using them), the rollup functionality has been exclusive to activity data. This has lead to a classic CRM functional gap where a note record added onto a lead will not be carried over once the lead is qualified and becomes an account/contact/opportunity. Notes have been “sticky” in the sense that you slap them on a specific record and that’s where they’ll forever stay.
Well not anymore! While the official docs on Learn are still pending to be updated to describe the feature in more detail, the “Notes rollup type” setting already appears on the Timeline component properties:
Setting this to “Extended” for the Timeline control on the account means that we’ll now see notes that have been added to the originating lead, any of the account’s contacts or opportunities. Here’s an example where there are zero notes on the account itself, yet we can see 3 notes on the Timeline:
All the notes from these child records appear just as like they were the traditional notes on the account record itself. In fact, you can simply click the pen icon to start editing a note on the account form Timeline, even if it has originally been added via a different record:
This can be a bit confusing for the user, since there’s no visual indication on the Timeline card on which exactly is the original hosting record of that note. Which probably is due to the Dataverse data model that doesn’t treat the notes (annotation) table as something where the users could freely set the Regarding record information. With such a non-standard implementation it might be tricky even for the team developing the Timeline to surface this information in the UI.
You need to keep in mind that this notes rollup isn’t applicable to custom tables, nor across all system tables either. Just like the activity rollup, this is feature of showing relational data from beyond a single relationship “hop” is not a generic platform capability in Dataverse. It works in these basic CRM style scenarios using predefined record types. And when it does, it can be hugely beneficial to end users.
There are more goodies in 2022 Release Wave 2 under the release item “Try enhancements to timeline maker experience”. One of them is the support for having multiple Timelines on a single form. This means you could add a dedicated “Notes” tab on the account form and configure it to include only notes data, not activities or posts. The benefit from this would be to tailor the display settings in the main Timeline differently than in the Timeline dedicated for notes only.
In the example above I’ve ticked the box “expand first component to full tab” in the tab settings. This removes all the whitespace and labels around the Timeline, giving it maximum space. Yeah, it’s not the prettiest tab in the world when applying this technique to the Timeline. Yet from a purely functional perspective it’s an option worth trying out.
One common question from customers who want to customize their CRM system’s terminology has been “can we rename the Timeline to something else”? The answer is still: no. However, now that you can have multiple Timelines on a form, the workaround you can apply is this: 1) under Timeline – Properties – Advanced – Additional Settings, check the box “Hide Timeline label”, 2) set your form column label to show the string you want.
Now the custom text will appear and the place where it used to read “Timeline” is blank:
Native controls like search or options menu will still use the timeline terminology, though. It’s always worth asking a few times whether it’s absolutely necessary to try and change such native features of a SaaS product like Dynamics 365. (The argument “because we had it like that in our previous system” is always the wrong answer.)
An area of the Timeline that has really exploded in terms of configuration options is the forms used for interacting with records shown on or created from the Timeline. Let’s look at one example of how the default functionality for tasks could be optimized on the opportunity form Timeline. Without any customizations, it looks like this:
Looking at the standard Timeline, there’s a bunch of command buttons available for every activity. Problem 1 is: it’s not easy to spot which icon opens the task’s detail form (at least I’ve never learned to immediately pick the right one). Problem 2: when we open the task, it takes us to a whole different web page, thus we lose the context of the original business record (opportunity).
The Timeline allows us to fix both these problems by changing the settings just a bit. By going to Record settings – Activities and clicking on Task, we get a flyout pane with options specific to that activity type in this specific Timeline instance. Problem 1 can be fixed by disabling rarely needed actions like “Assign”, “Add to queue” (who uses queues anyway?) and “Delete” (deletion of data in CRM does not need to be easy!).
Problem 2 is resolved by changing the “Open Task using” setting to “Main form dialog”. What does that do exactly? It gives you a modal window on top of the current record, which is a much less jarring experience than bouncing between full forms. Closing it from the X icon will allow you to keep working on the opportunity without forcing any page refresh.
Want to learn about the Power Apps main form dialog? Read my earlier blog post on how to leverage MFDs for making it easier to work with relational data.
The one caveat of all this configurability that we’ve received via the modern Timeline control is that we now have a huge number of different settings we must remember to change. Performing any of the above mentioned changes is relatively easy as an isolated task, but we need to do it for all the tables and their forms where the Timeline control is used. There is no global system setting or “apply to all” option to help us. With any larger business application you’ll quickly need your own Excel sheet just to keep track of all the N settings and N forms that you must manually harmonize.
Where things can potentially get really laborious is modifications to the card forms used for displaying activity and note data on the Timeline. If the standard date fields aren’t what we want to show, for example (created on vs. modified on vs. due date etc.), there’s a way to change most of them. However, as you can quickly see after browsing through the documentation, the card form editor from the CRM 2011 era and the modern Timeline control have nothing in common when it comes to rendering the visible UI:
If you want to include some custom columns from your activity tables into the Timeline cards, the good news is that it’s supported. The bad news is, you’ll likely need to keep the documentation on one screen as a reference, the form editor one the second screen, and the card form legacy editor on the third one. Good luck doing these tweaks from only your laptop screen while working away from the office!
These configuration tasks start to quickly add up. Let’s say we need to change one date field on the task card and configure its display options and label options. Perhaps our application has 20 tables where the Timeline is used for showing this activity type. Maybe we’ve also created role based forms and targeted them via different model-driven app modules, like “Sales” and “Admin”. That single requirement could mean updating the settings on maybe 30 different forms. With all the loading, saving and navigating in the Maker portal – it could easily take more than an hour to complete.
Now, let’s say that in a Dynamics 365 project you’ve been assigned the responsibility to take care of all the details for activity and notes management features on every Timeline in the system. Sorting, filtering, control display options, supported activity types, form types per activity, actions per activity… Planning, configuring and validating all these changes will quickly consume many days, even in an SMB level CRM system. And because it’s so easy to miss a few clicks in performing this repetitive work over & over again, you’ll also need to reserve time for fixing the things that were missed.
Achieving a consistent user experience requires plenty of work – this simple truth has not changed from the early days of Dynamics CRM projects. As Microsoft invests money in modernizing their client controls and introducing more no-code configuration options, the customers must also do their part in ensuring the changes and new possibilities in the evergreen cloud platform are taken into use in a controlled manner. Striking a balance between what can be customized and what should be customized – this remains the eternal question.
Can we add distinct multiple timelines ?
Multiple Timeline controls on a single form is now a suppored scenario. Please note that the control is simply visually rendering activities, notes and posts related to the record in Dataverse – it doesn’t unlock any creation of distinct “silos” of activities regarding the same record.
Is this extended rollup of notes working enabled for opportunities? Still only showing for accounts and contacts for me
Great article- thank you for summing up some great options!
Can I use the Timeline for Notes in 2 different locations and have one locked down to a specific set of users?
It is now 2024, I do not see the rollup option in Notes. Does anyone have updated documentation?