Are the date, time, number and currency fields looking funny in your app that uses Dataverse? Here's where to fix the settings & why managing them is so complex.

Notes rollup, multiple Timelines per form, customizable actions, modal dialogs for detail forms - there's so many settings to optimize with this control in 2022 Release Wave 2.

How to include Dynamics 365 data inside the Microsoft Search UI. What limitations does the free service have & how does it compare to in-app Dataverse search?

How does the new 2022 wave 1 feature for Model-driven Power Apps pefrorm when compared to the classic Advanced Find tool from the XRM era?

Adding a low-code button for the contact form in Power Apps Model-driven app to search for a matching LinkedIn profile.

How to copy an existing record in Model-driven Power Apps, along with its child records, using the modern command designer & Power Fx formula.

Splitting data into multiple tables for security purposes and still providing a nice UX to work with business records on a single form. You can achieve both goals with Dataverse and Model-driven Power Apps!

How to make fields from a related table editable on a Power Apps Model-driven app form with the new "forms within forms" PCF control. This second part shows how to go beyond Quick View Forms and create a seamless data entry experience.

How to improve the user experience of Power Apps forms that reference data from multiple related tables in Microsoft Dataverse. In the first part we'll explore the use of Quick View Forms together with Main Form Dialogs.

5 tips for improving the search results that your Model-driven Power Apps or Dynamics 365 apps provide via the Relevance Search feature.