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Newsletter: Perspectives on Power Platform
Company: Niiranen Advisory Oy
Are the date, time, number and currency fields looking funny in your app that uses Dataverse? Here's where to fix the settings & why managing them is so complex.
My top 5 items from the latest Microsoft Power Platform release plans to keep an eye on - and also a few notable omissions.
2 years since the Dataverse for Teams launch, it's time to look how far we've come with the Microsoft Teams application platform story & what's missing still.
Did you know users can now gain access to records in Dataverse even without any security roles? Time to explore how the new sharing links work.
When you restore the backup of a Dataverse environment into a new environment, it won't remain forever in its original state. As a result, storage consumption can creep up on you.
Exploring Dataverse for Teams opportunities for low-code app makers. How to position Dataverse for the Microsoft Teams user audience & limits to keep in mind.
Solutions are hidden behind the scenes when building Power Apps in a Teams environment. While you can use them, there are some gotchas to be aware of.
How does the new 2022 wave 1 feature for Model-driven Power Apps pefrorm when compared to the classic Advanced Find tool from the XRM era?
The customer lookup column in Dataverse has special behaviors that you need to know when configuring fields for Model-driven Power Apps form.
How to bring external data from SQL Server tables into your Model-driven Power Apps with the new Virtual Connector Provider. This blog posts demonstrates how you can transparently combine the virtual & physical data onto a single screen for the users to work on.