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Did you know users can now gain access to records in Dataverse even without any security roles? Time to explore how the new sharing links work.
How does the new 2022 wave 1 feature for Model-driven Power Apps pefrorm when compared to the classic Advanced Find tool from the XRM era?
The customer lookup column in Dataverse has special behaviors that you need to know when configuring fields for Model-driven Power Apps form.
Adding a low-code button for the contact form in Power Apps Model-driven app to search for a matching LinkedIn profile.
How to copy an existing record in Model-driven Power Apps, along with its child records, using the modern command designer & Power Fx formula.
Using the command designer in Model-driven Power Apps to add new buttons for activity tables, to perform common status change actions. Exploring how the modern commanding features and Power FX formulas can be used in scenarios that previously required Ribbon Workbench and JavaScript.
How to bring external data from SQL Server tables into your Model-driven Power Apps with the new Virtual Connector Provider. This blog posts demonstrates how you can transparently combine the virtual & physical data onto a single screen for the users to work on.
Splitting data into multiple tables for security purposes and still providing a nice UX to work with business records on a single form. You can achieve both goals with Dataverse and Model-driven Power Apps!
Managing end user access to Model-driven apps isn't as straightforward as with Canvas apps. Here's how the list of Power Apps actually works and what the "share" feature does & doesn't do for Model-driven app.
Will the common low-code programming language turn business app customization from GUI based tasks to a jungle of formulas, or will we just gain new powers?